NSS organized an educational games session at Rajakiya Prathamic Vidhyalaya, the elementary school at Ramnagar, Roorkee, in association with PRATHAM on October 10, 2009.
A team of 27 NSS volunteers and 5 PRATHAM volunteers coordinated by Mr. Bhagat Singh, Block coordinator PRATHAM went to the village for the same.
It’s easiest to educate children by the way of games and we realizing this tried to introduce as many educational games as possible at the same time taking care to make them play games which promote physical fitness.
Needless to say, the prospect of a fun filled gaming session drew a large number of kids. In a few games we kept some loopholes of which the players could take advantage and to our delight many students rose up to the opportunity giving a visible proof of their keen intelligence! We took care to make the kids familiar with the most basic elements of education like alphabets, numbers, the names of fruits trees etc. To hone their spoken language, we made them recite poems. All in all, the session proved to be a highly entertaining and enlightening one for the participants and the organizers likewise.
We could see that many of the kids were bright, quick and had a superb grasping while the others just needed the practice and the opportunity. No wonder that the kids wanted the session to go on forever in the perfect child like spirit!
It was with the reluctant goodbye waves and sweet promises of returning soon that we returned back to the campus.
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