Saturday, January 25, 2014

National Voters’ Day-nukkad natak(awareness cell)

On the eve of National Voters’ Day, NSS IIT Roorkee Awareness Cell took the responsibility to educate the people about the need to vote in order to eradicate the evils of our political society.
The cell members gathered near the outskirts of our campus and the members then got divided into three teams which went into Vikaskunj and Solanikunj to attract as many people as possible to come and watch the play. The people responded to their efforts asking about the theme and when they finally they came to watch the play they found that there was more in store for them. The play started with some of the actors showing their surprise in the sudden improvement of the electricity and water facilities supplied by the government. Another member stood up and shouted out that it was due to the upcoming elections. The play integrated humour with the message when four politicians went on to explain how they extorted votes from the common people. Taking turns they explained how they used bribes, caste system, false promises and violence to fool the masses and at the end of each turn they were mocked by their audience who shouted out “Netaji Zindabad”. The Netas described the elections as a small investments with huge returns. 

After citing the ills of the political society, the actors shed light on the measures needed to curb them. They told the crowd that if someone chose to vote for his personal greed, or voted for someone due to his caste then he was still sleeping and needed to wake up. They stressed that every single vote was important for the change. Instead of voting if someone chose to sleep at home and still blamed the government then only he was responsible for his miseries. They enlightened people that even without a voter-id card one can cast his vote with any government id-card as long as his name was present in the voters’ list. They further told that if someone found no candidate to be worthy of the seat he could show his displeasure through N.O.T.A or None Of The Above Option which has been made available in the upcoming general elections.
The audience who saw the play was mesmerised by the effort of IIT Roorkee students and congratulated them on the success of their play.